Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz

About Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz

Born and raised in Cordoba, Spain, Eduardo has always felt a vocation to communicate and share knowledge, bridging people of different backgrounds, expertise and cultures. After completing his Licenciatura in English Philology in Spain, he went on to teach foreign languages in the private and public sectors for adults and school-age students, in the United Kingdom and Spain. In 2005, he moved to the Oakland, CA to teach in a bilingual elementary setting, which allowed him to get actively involved in issues of language and educational equity. In 2008, he became and English Learner Network Coach, supporting more than 15 schools in their implementation of EL-support strategies and programs, with a focus on bilingual education. In 2010 he completed his Master of Arts in Education with administrative credential at UC Berkeley, and went on to become the principal at International Community School, in Oakland’s Fruitvale District. In 2012, Eduardo left this position to deepen his knowledge and potential as a Doctoral Student and Research Assistant with Professor Kenji Hakuta, at Stanford University. Since then, he has been involved in projects related to EL instruction and intercultural communication and interpreting.

Posts by Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz

April 18: Dr. Sarah Michaels

by on February 7, 2014 8:45 pm
April 18: Dr. Sarah Michaels Professor of Education,Clark University Co-sponsored by CTE “Conceptualizing Talk Moves as Tools:  Leveraging Professional Development Work with Teachers to Advance Empirical Studies of Academically Productive Talk“ 12:00 pm Cubberley 115 Refreshments will be provided   Productive classroom talk as a mechanism to promote learning — in all subject areas, at all… Read more April 18: Dr. Sarah Michaels